The Highly Sensitive Child Test

The Highly Sensitive Child Test: The Earlier the Better

Do teachers tell you there’s something about your child’s behaviour they can’t quite put their finger on? Has a teacher suggested you get your child tested for autism, or ADD or ADHD but that path doesn’t quite feel right to you?  It could well be that your child is highly sensitive. And the good news is that there is an online highly sensitive child test.

What is Highly Sensitive?

Firstly, it’s important to know that up to 20 percent of the world population is highly sensitive. Children and adults. Male and female. That’s a lot of people.

So what exactly does it mean to be highly sensitive?

The Highly Sensitive Child Test

The Highly Sensitive Person Test

If you think you may be highly sensitive then check out Elaine Aron’s Highly Sensitive Person test. This test is designed for adults.

It is worth noting that if you are an adult adept at managing your HSP traits (which is our goal of course) you may score low on Aron’s test. This does not, however, mean you are not highly sensitive.

The Highly Sensitive Child Test

In short, if the traits above remind you of your child, then I encourage you to head over to Elaine Aron’s Highly Sensitive Child test.

Above all, knowing that your child is highly sensitive as early as possible will help you adapt your parenting style to help get the best out of your child.

Tips for Further Reading

Read: Must Reads for Highly Sensitive People

*For your convenience, this post includes affiliate links to products and books I find useful for the HSK community. They cost you nothing more to buy, but I may get a small commission, which goes towards costs to keep the HSK site running.*

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